Salmon fishing

Predicted tides


77 cm

311 cm

59 cm


289 cm

Ytre Billefjordelva - Gorbovuonjohka

Ytre Billefjordelva is managed by Vestre Porsanger JFF. The river is small and intimate, and flows thrugh a lush river valley. The river has rapids and whitewater, with small pools in between. The E6 crosses the river close to the estuary. To get upstream you need to travel by foot.

A single handed rod or light spin fishing is ideal for the river. You do not need waders, unless you plan on crossing the river.

The fishing licence is purchased at Stabbursnes Naturhus og Museum.

Fishing regulations:

Fishing period:

  • Salmon: 1. June - 31. August
  • Sea trout: 1. June - 31. August / 14. September*
    *In September, sea trout fishing is only allowed below the E6 bridge.

Conservations rules

  • There is a conservation zone from the confluence Gorbovunjohka and Ruvžajohka and upstream as far salmon occurs
  • Fishing from the mountain below the waterfall is prohibited (signposted).
  • In August all fishing above the waterfall is prohibited.
  • Private properties may be closed for fishing. These areas are marked with signposts
  • Fishing for sea char is not permitted.
    Preservation and prohibition zones are signposted along the watercourse.

Disinfection of equipment

Anyone who buys a fishing permit must disinfect fishing equipment. You will find the rules and routines for this at Stabbursnes Naturhus og Museum. The rules apply mainly to those who live outside Finnmark and/or abroad. Equipment used outside the country's borders must be disinfected before use. Equipment used in waterways where there is suspected or proven infectious disease must be disinfected before use.


  • After 10. July it’s only permitted with fly fishing or worm without sinker.
  • After 10. July it’s only permitted to use floating lines.
  • After 31. July it’s only permitted with fly fishing.

Fishing permit

  • Fishing permits can be purchased at Stabbursnes Naturhus og Museum. The national fee must be presented upon purchase if buyer is older than 18 years of age.
  • Persons with a permanent recidency in Porsanger or members with a permanent recidency in Finnmark have the rights to purchase season tickets.
  • Youth/children younger than 16 years of age fish for free, but have to have a licence for reporting purposes.
  • Catch report is mandatory. The deadline for reporting is 15. September.

Licence prices (NOK):

  Day Week Season
Members 80 320 550
Citizens of Porsanger 100 400 750
Citizens of Finnmark 100 400  
Citizens of Norway 150 600  
Foreign citizens 200 800  


Have a nice trip and tight lines!

Vestre Porsanger jeger- og fiskerforening

Contact supervision:
Berit Thomassen - +47 41642246 – River supervisor/board member
Dag-Rune Johansen - +47 48286585 – Board member
Svein-Tore Johansen - +47 48207067 – Board member

There are currently no licences available.

Catch reports

Ytre Billefjordelva - Gorbovuonjohka, Ytre Billefjordelva

Reported by: John Andre Rydn...

Species: Salmon

Length: 55 cm

Weight: 2 kg

Total weight: 27 kg
Total fish: 19
Biggest catch
1John Andre Rydningen2.3 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva26/07/2024
2John Andre Rydningen2 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva31/07/2024
3Jan Asbjørn Hansen2 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva13/07/2024
4Jan Asbjørn Hansen2 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva17/07/2024
5Jan Asbjørn Hansen2 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva18/07/2024
6John Andre Rydningen2 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva25/07/2024
7Rolf Johansen1.8 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva04/07/2024
8John Andre Rydningen1.7 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva21/07/2024
9Rolf Johansen1.6 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva04/07/2024
10Anonymous1.5 kgSalmonYtre Billefjordelva15/07/2024