
Ja delvis,
Kartor finns att hämta på länsstyrelsernas sidor och för Jämtland finns det gpx filer att ladda ner per sameby. 
Gå till kartan i NatureIT genom att klicka på länken Jaga i Jämtland under fliken Jakt.
Klicka på ett område så finns där en knapp som heter "Mer info", Där finns en länk till en gpx fil för just den samebyn.


Ja du kan gå in på Aktivera sidan och där byta område för kommande dagar men du kan inte byta innevarande dag.

På årskort kan du dessutom ta bort kommande bokningar.

From 2017 you need to live in Sweden or have "close ties" to Sweden to hunt between 20/8-15/9
For more information see:

To be able to buy permits during this period you need to prepare according to following instruction:

Hunters who have permanent residence in Sweden need to have an account in NatureIT and must have an updated profile with the adress collected from Skatteverket. If everything is ok you should have the checkbox "Address validated" checked.

Hunters who do NOT have permanent residence in Sweden also need to have an account in NatureIT with all personal information filed in. You then need to fill in the Application for “Close ties to Sweden” and send it to the application to one of the counties as described in the links above. If the application is approved they will fill in the checkbox "Address validated" that is used by NatureIT to verify that you are allowed to buy during this period.

The hunting of small game on public land above the cultivation line in Norrbotten and Västerbotten county and in reindeer grazing areas in Jämtland county begins August 25.
Permits are sold from August 20. Dog training permits in Jämtland are sold from 11 August (five days before training)

However, from 2017 you need to live in Sweden or have "close ties" to Sweden to hunt between 20/8-15/9

For more information see

Länsstyrelsen need to be able to close areas if needed due to reindeers. Because of that it is allowed to book the first planned hunting day maximum five days ahead.

Currently we do not allow you do do it yourself, but please send an email to support@natureit.se and we will help you.

Under Nyheter hittar du en instruktion på hur man tar fram ett kvitto, https://natureit.se/sv/nyheter/kvitto

All permits are sent by mail as an pdf file to the mail address you specified when buying. If you have not recieved any mail you should check if it has been marked as spam and ended up in the waste basket or similar. If you suspect that you have entered a faulty mail address please send a question to support@natureit.se

You will also find your permits if you log in to your User account. If you have not created an account yourself, your username should be the same as your email address.

You will find the maps to the areas if you click on the links below the picture on the first page. If you then click on an area you will find available permits to buy.


If you have entered something incorrect in your report, please send an email to support@natureit.se

We will update the functionality and hopefully the user friendliness regarding fishing reports, but until then we will assist you.

The owner of the fishing permit that you have bought would like to have som feedback on the result of your fishing, that is why you get these reminder mails.
If you think you have already reported, the problem may be that you have only reported some day and not all days.

There are three ways to log in and report:

  1. Log in on your account using your username, which if you have not defined it yourself, is the same as your email address.
  2. Log in using the permit number and the password on the permit
  3. Follow the link in the reminder mail