The sales of day permits for the hunting of grouse in Sweden begins August 20 but it differs some between the counties, see below.
Since we know that the interest is huge which effects the load on the servers we have decided together with the "länsstyrelserna" to start at different hours.
The close ties period for hunting ends 15 september. After that all, with valid licences, may go hunting on these state-owned land.
Yearly permits - Sales begins 15/8 to municipality and county citizens. They can't be used for grouse hunting before 25/8 when the season begins.
Day permits - Sales begins 20/8 at midnight for hunting from 25/8. NOTE! Close ties are needed until September 16.
Dog training - Sales begins 15/8
Girjas sameby will be selling their own permits, their areas are not included in permits sold by Länsstyrelsen. Season start for area G4a and G4b is September 1. For the other areas (G1,G2a,G2b,G2c,G2d,G3a,G3b,G3c) it will begin September 15. Permits will as for Länsstyrelsen be available 5 days before the first hunting day but only for people living in the Norrbottens county. No dog training permits will be available in Girjas.
Yearly permits - Sales begins 19/8 to municipality and county citizens. They can't be activated for grouse hunting before 20/8 when the day permits are sold.
Day permits - Sales begins 20/8 at about 09.00 for hunting from 25/8. NOTE! Close ties are needed until September 16.
Dog training - No special dog training permits in Västerbotten
Yearly permits - Sales begins 16/8 to municipality and county citizens. They can't be used for grouse hunting before 25/8 when the season begins.
Day permits - Sales begins 20/8 at about 13.00 for hunting from 25/8. NOTE! Close ties are needed until September 16.
Dog training - Dog training permits may be bought from 1/3 to 20/4 2025.